No matter how awesome your email content is, no matter how compelling the offer, it doesn’t matter if they don’t see it because your email is ending up in the spam folder! And keep in mind that every single inbox provider is taking note of every single email that you send to every single one of their inbox users, every time. That’s a whole lot of spam filter hoops that your email has to jump through.
Symptoms of email going to the spam folder include low open rates, low click- through rates, and people saying that they didn’t receive your email.
Knowing that you have a problem is the first step, but knowing what to do about it, ah, that’s the magic. Learn how to keep the email you send out of the spam folder with our plain English, easy to follow PDF, free when you join our email community!
To join our email community just hit the green ‘Free Stuff’ button in the lower right-hand corner of this page!
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